1-7EEMU00015BASIC BOATING RULES(Rules of the road)Just as there are rules which apply whenyou are driving on streets and high ways,there are waterway rules which apply whenyou are driving your boat. These rules areused internationally, and are also enforcedby the United States Coast Guard and localagencies. You should be aware of theserules, and follow them whenever youencounter another vessel on the water.Several sets of rules prevail according togeographic location, but are all basically thesame as the International Rules of theRoad. The rules presented here in yourOwner’s Manual are condensed, and havebeen provided for your convenience only.Consult your local U.S. Coast Guard Auxil-iary or Department of Motor Vehicles for acomplete set of rules governing the watersin which you will be using your boat.STEERING AND SAILING RULESAND SOUND SIGNALSWhenever two vessels on the water meetone another, one vessel has the right-of-way; it is called the “stand-on” vessel. Thevessel which does not have the right-of-wayis called the “give-way” or “burdened” ves-sel. These rules determine which vessel hasthe right-of-way, and what each vesselshould do.Stand-on vesselThe vessel with the right-of-way has the dutyto continue its course and speed, except toavoid an immediate collision. When youmaintain your direction and speed, the othervessel will be able to determine how best toavoid you.Give-way vesselThe vessel which does not have the right-of-way has the duty to take positive and timelyaction to stay out of the way of the Stand-Onvessel. Normally, you should not cross infront of the vessel with the right-of-way. Youshould slow down or change directionsbriefly and pass behind the other vessel.You should always move in such a way thatthe operator of the other vessel can seewhat you are doing.“The general prudential rule”This rule is called Rule 2 in the InternationalRules and says,‘In obeying and construing these rulesdue regard shall be had to all dangers ofnavigation and collision, and to any spe-cial circumstances, which may render adeparture from the above rules neces-sary in order to avoid immediate danger.’In other words, follow the standard rulesexcept when a collision will occur unlessboth vessels try to avoid each other. If that isthe case, both vessels become “Give-Way”vessels.