Instrument and control functions3-263EAU39542Brake pedalThe brake pedal is located on the rightside of the vehicle.This model is equipped with a unifiedbrake system.When pressing down on the brakepedal, the rear brake and a portion ofthe front brake are applied. For fullbraking performance, apply both thebrake lever and the brake pedal simul-taneously.EAU73181ABSThis model’s anti-lock brake system(ABS) features a dual electronic controlsystem, which acts on the front andrear brakes independently.Operate the brakes with ABS as youwould conventional brakes. If the ABSis activated, a pulsating sensation maybe felt at the brake lever or brake ped-al. In this situation, continue to applythe brakes and let the ABS work; donot “pump” the brakes as this will re-duce braking effectiveness.WARNINGEWA16051Always keep a sufficient distancefrom the vehicle ahead to match theriding speed even with ABS. The ABS performs best withlong braking distances. On certain surfaces, such asrough or gravel roads, the brak-ing distance may be longer withthe ABS than without.The ABS is monitored by an ECU,which will revert the system to conven-tional braking if a malfunction occurs.TIP The ABS performs a self-diagno-sis test each time the vehicle firststarts off after the key is turned to“ON” and the vehicle has traveledat a speed of 10 km/h (6 mi/h) orhigher. During this test, a “click-ing” noise may be heard from thehydraulic control unit, and if thebrake lever or brake pedal is evenslightly applied, a vibration can befelt at the lever and pedal, but thisdoes not indicate a malfunction.1. Brake pedal1