Periodic maintenance and adjustment6-266ClutchTIPThe rear brake fluid reservoir is locatedbehind panel C. (See page 6-7.)WARNINGEWA16031Improper maintenance can result inloss of braking ability or clutch oper-ation. Observe these precautions: Insufficient brake or clutch fluidmay allow air to enter the brakeor clutch system, reducingbraking or clutch performance. Clean the filler caps before re-moving. Use only DOT 4 brakefluid from a sealed container. Use only the specified brake flu-id; otherwise, the rubber sealsmay deteriorate, causing leak-age. Refill with the same type ofbrake fluid. Adding a brake fluidother than DOT 4 may result in aharmful chemical reaction. Be careful that water or dustdoes not enter the brake orclutch fluid reservoir when refill-ing. Water will significantly low-er the boiling point of the fluidand may result in vapor lock,and dirt may clog the ABS hy-draulic unit valves.NOTICEECA17641Brake fluid may damage paintedsurfaces or plastic parts. Alwaysclean up spilled fluid immediately.The brake or clutch fluid reservoir dia-phragm will lose its shape from thenegative pressure if the fluid level goesdown too far. Be sure to return the dia-phragm to its original shape before in-stalling it into the brake or clutch fluidreservoir.As the brake pads wear, it is normal forthe brake fluid level to gradually godown. A low brake fluid level may indi-cate worn brake pads and/or brakesystem leakage; therefore, be sure tocheck the brake pads for wear and thebrake system for leakage. A low clutchfluid level may indicate clutch systemleakage; therefore, be sure to checkthe clutch system for leakage. If thebrake or clutch fluid level goes downsuddenly, have a Yamaha dealer checkthe cause before further riding.1. Minimum level markSpecified brake and clutch fluid:DOT 4 brake fluid