INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS3-143EAU12733Hazard switch “ ”With the key in the “ON” or “ ” posi-tion, use this switch to turn on the haz-ard lights (simultaneous flashing of allturn signal lights).The hazard lights are used in case ofan emergency or to warn other driverswhen your vehicle is stopped where itmight be a traffic hazard.NOTICEECA10061Do not use the hazard lights for anextended length of time with the en-gine not running, otherwise the bat-tery may discharge.EAU12820Clutch leverThe clutch lever is located at the lefthandlebar grip. To disengage theclutch, pull the lever toward the handle-bar grip. To engage the clutch, releasethe lever. The lever should be pulledrapidly and released slowly for smoothclutch operation.The clutch lever is equipped with aclutch switch, which is part of the igni-tion circuit cut-off system. (See page3-27.)EAU12870Shift pedalThe shift pedal is located on the leftside of the engine and is used in com-bination with the clutch lever whenshifting the gears of the 6-speed con-stant-mesh transmission equipped onthis motorcycle.1. Clutch lever 1. Shift Page 14 Monday, July 14, 2008 3:08 PMOfrecido por