SAFETY INFORMATION1-31Avoid Carbon Monoxide PoisoningAll engine exhaust contains carbonmonoxide, a deadly gas. Breathing car-bon monoxide can cause headaches,dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, confu-sion, and eventually death.Carbon Monoxide is a colorless, odor-less, tasteless gas which may bepresent even if you do not see or smellany engine exhaust. Deadly levels ofcarbon monoxide can collect rapidlyand you can quickly be overcome andunable to save yourself. Also, deadlylevels of carbon monoxide can lingerfor hours or days in enclosed or poorlyventilated areas. If you experience anysymptoms of carbon monoxide poison-ing, leave the area immediately, getfresh air, and SEEK MEDICAL TREAT-MENT.● Do not run engine indoors. Even ifyou try to ventilate engine exhaustwith fans or open windows anddoors, carbon monoxide can rap-idly reach dangerous levels.● Do not run engine in poorly venti-lated or partially enclosed areassuch as barns, garages, or car-ports.● Do not run engine outdoors whereengine exhaust can be drawn intoa building through openings suchas windows and doors.LoadingAdding accessories or cargo to yourmotorcycle can adversely affect stabili-ty and handling if the weight distributionof the motorcycle is changed. To avoidthe possibility of an accident, use ex-treme caution when adding cargo oraccessories to your motorcycle. Useextra care when riding a motorcyclethat has added cargo or accessories.Here, along with the information aboutaccessories below, are some generalguidelines to follow if loading cargo toyour motorcycle:The total weight of the operator, pas-senger, accessories and cargo mustnot exceed the maximum load limit.Operation of an overloaded vehiclecould cause an accident.When loading within this weight limit,keep the following in mind:● Cargo and accessory weightshould be kept as low and close tothe motorcycle as possible. Se-curely pack your heaviest items asclose to the center of the vehicle aspossible and make sure to distrib-ute the weight as evenly as possi-ble on both sides of the motorcycleto minimize imbalance or instabili-ty.● Shifting weights can create a sud-den imbalance. Make sure that ac-cessories and cargo are securelyattached to the motorcycle beforeriding. Check accessory mountsand cargo restraints frequently.• Properly adjust the suspensionfor your load (suspension-ad-justable models only), andcheck the condition and pres-sure of your tires.• Never attach any large or heavyitems to the handlebar, frontfork, or front fender. Theseitems, including such cargo assleeping bags, duffel bags, orMaximum load:FZ8-N 199 kg (439 lb)FZ8-NA 194 kg (428 lb) Page 3 Thursday, November 8, 2012 9:24 AM