OPERATION AND IMPORTANT RIDING POINTS5-25NOTICEECA11831If a warning or indicator light doesnot go off, see page 3-4 for the corre-sponding warning and indicatorlight circuit check.2. Shift the transmission into the neu-tral position. (See page 5-3.) Theneutral indicator light should comeon. If not, ask a Yamaha dealer tocheck the electrical circuit.3. Start the engine by pushing thestart switch. NOTICE: For maxi-mum engine life, never acceler-ate hard when the engine iscold! [ECA11041]If the engine fails to start, releasethe start switch, wait a few sec-onds, and then try again. Eachstarting attempt should be as shortas possible to preserve the bat-tery. Do not crank the engine morethan 10 seconds on any one at-tempt.NOTICEECA16042 If the oil level warning light flick-ers or remains on after starting,immediately stop the engine,and then check the engine oillevel and the vehicle for oil leak-age. If necessary, add engineoil, and then check the warninglight again. If the coolant temperature warn-ing light flickers or remains onafter starting, immediately stopthe engine, and then check thecoolant level and the vehicle forcoolant leakage. If necessary,add coolant, and then check thewarning light again. If the engine trouble warninglight flashes or remains on afterstarting, immediately stop theengine, and have a Yamahadealer check the cause. For ABS modelsIf the ABS warning light flashesor remains on after starting, theABS may not be working cor-rectly, and the brake system re-verts to conventional braking.If this occurs, have a Yamahadealer check the system assoon as possible. The immobilizer system indica-tor light should come on whenthe key is turned to “ON”, andthen go off after a few seconds.If the indicator light does notcome on, or does not go off, orif it flashes and the display indi-cates a two-digit error code,have a Yamaha dealer check theelectrical circuit.U3C3E3E0.book Page 2 Thursday, July 10, 2008 2:03 PM