En 19CONNECTIONSSetting up speaker parameters5 Use iCursor B / C to select the speaker(subwoofer) you want to configure, andthen use iCursor D / E to select speakerstatus and size.When you have completed the settings for one speaker,repeat the same procedure for all speakers to completesettings.6 Press iRETURN when setting is complete.Return to the previous menu.This completes step 2.STEP 3: Set the distance from thelistening point7 Press iCursor C to display “Distance” andpress iENTER.8 Press iCursor B / C to select the speakerthat you want to configure, and pressiCursor D / E to change the distance.If necessary, you can change the setting units under“Unit.”When you have completed the settings for one speaker,repeat the same procedure for all speakers to completesettings.9 Press iRETURN when setting is complete.Return to the previous menu.This completes step 3.RETURNENTERRECEIVERSCENEOPTIONSETUPVOLUMETRANSMITSLEEPBDDVD TV CD RADIOMUTE1 2 31 2 34 5 6HDMIAUDIOTUNERSOUNDINFOTUNERMEMORYPRESET TUNINGSUR. DECODESTRAIGHTENHANCERSTEREOMUSICMOVIEiiCursor B / C / D / EiENTERiRETURNInformation Description SettingSubwoofer Sets the subwoofer status. Yes / NoneFront Selects the size (soundreproduction capacity) of thefront speakers.Small /LargeCenter Selects the size of the centerspeakers. Choose “None” ifyou do not have a centerspeaker connected.None /Small /LargeSur. LR Selects the size of the surroundspeakers. Choose “None” ifyou do not have surroundspeakers connected.None /Small /LargeCrossover Audio with a frequency belowthis limit will be output fromthe subwoofer or the frontspeakers.40Hz to200HzSWFR Phase Switches the phase of thesubwoofer.NRM / REVExtra Bass Selects whether to play frontchannel low-frequencycomponents through either ofthe front speakers or thesubwoofer (Off), or throughboth the subwoofer and frontspeakers (On).On / OffThis setting is not needed when you use the speakersthat are included in the Yamaha Home TheatrePackage.■ The case of general speakers• Whether or not you set “Crossover,” “SWFR Phase,”and “Extra Bass” is optional. Check how the effectssound and then configure them to your liking.• Use the following as a guide when setting speakersizes.When speaker size is set to “Small,” low-frequencycomponents of the speakers you configured areproduced from the subwoofer (or from the frontspeakers if there is no subwoofer).Woofer diameter• 16 cm or larger → Large• 16 cm or smaller → SmallSWCLSL SRRUnit;;;;metersDIST VOL.Information Description SettingUnit Switches between settingunits (feet / meters).meters (m) /feet (ft)Front L Front speaker L 0.30 m to 24.00 m(1.0 ft to 80.0 ft)Front R Front speaker R 0.30 m to 24.00 m(1.0 ft to 80.0 ft)Center Center speaker 0.30 m to 24.00 m(1.0 ft to 80.0 ft)Sur. L Surround speaker L 0.30 m to 24.00 m(1.0 ft to 80.0 ft)Sur. R Surround speaker R 0.30 m to 24.00 m(1.0 ft to 80.0 ft)SWFR Subwoofer 0.30 m to 24.00 m(1.0 ft to 80.0 ft)Continues to thenext page