En 44SETUPThe Advanced Setup menu can be used for unit initialization and other useful extended functions. The Advanced Setup menu can be operated as follows.Displaying/Setting the AdvancedSetup menu1 Set this unit to the standby mode.2 Press A while pressing and holdingSTRAIGHT on the front panel.Release the keys when “ADVANCED SETUP” isdisplayed on the front panel display.After approximately 2 seconds, the top menu items aredisplayed.3 Use PROGRAM to select the item to be setfrom the following items.In the Advanced Setup menu, you can set the followingsettings.4 Press STRAIGHT a few times to select thevalue you wish to change.5 Switch this unit to the standby mode, andthen switch it on again.The settings become effective and the unit is poweredon. If initialization is selected, it will be performedwhen the unit is powered on again.Avoiding crossing remote controlsignals when using multipleYamaha receiversThe remote control of the unit can only receive signalsfrom a receiver which has an identical ID (remotecontrol ID). When using multiple Yamaha AV receivers,you can set each remote control with a unique remotecontrol ID for its corresponding receiver.On the contrary, if you are setting the same remotecontrol ID for all receivers, you can use one remotecontrol to operate 2 receivers.Extended functionality that can be configured as needed (Advanced Setup menu)BDDVD TVENTERRECEIVERSCENEOPTIONSETUPRETURNVOLUMETRANSMITSLEEPCD RADIOMUTE1 2 31 2 34 5 6HDMIAUDIOTUNERSOUNDINFOTUNERMEMORYPRESET TUNINGSUR. DECODESTRAIGHTENHANCERSTEREOMUSICMOVIEiggSCENEiCursor DPHONESSILENT CINEMATONE CONTROL STRAIGHTTVBDDVD CD RADIOINPUT PROGRAMSCENEINFO MEMORY PRESET FMTUNINGSTRAIGHTAPROGRAM l / hREMOTEID-ID1REMOTE ID Changes the remote control ID of areceiver.TUNER (Asia andGeneral modelsonly)Selects one of the following FMfrequency steps.INIT Initializes various settings for this unit.ID1 (Default) Receives the remote control signals set inID1.ID2 Receives the remote control signals set inID2.■ To change the remote control IDTo set the remote control ID to this unit ID, change IDnumber as follows.• To set to ID1Press iCursor D and “BD/DVD” under gSCENEfor 3 seconds or longer.• To set to ID2Press iCursor D and “TV” under gSCENE for 3seconds or longer.REMOTEID-ID1