En 20CONNECTIONSSetting up speaker parametersSTEP 4: Playback a test tone10 Press iCursor C repeatedly to display“Test Tone” and press iENTER.11 Use iCursor D / E to select “On.”A test tone plays back as soon as you select “On.”The test tone plays back in a clockwise fashion, asfollows.12 Check that the test tone is playing backand press iRETURN.Return to the previous menu.This completes step 4.STEP 5: Adjust the volume13 Press iCursor B repeatedly to display“Level” and press iENTER.14 Use iCursor B / C to switch the speakerthat is outputting the test tone, lookingfor speakers with a different volume levelto the others.The front panel display shows the speaker that isoutputting the test tone. J115 If you find a speaker with a differentvolume level to the others, use iCursorD / E to adjust the volume. Use Frontspeaker L or R as a default whenadjusting volumes.To raise the volume: Press iCursor E.To lower the volume: Press iCursor D.16 Repeat steps 14 and 15 to adjust thevolume balance for all speakers to yourpreference.17 Press iRETURN when setting iscomplete.Return to the previous menu.This completes step 5.18 Repeat procedures 10-12 (step 4) to stopplayback of the test tone.19 Once you have completed all settings,press hSETUP to close the Setup menu.SETUPRETURNENTERRECEIVERSCENEOPTIONVOLUMETRANSMITSLEEPBDDVD TV CD RADIOMUTE1 2 31 2 34 5 6HDMIAUDIOTUNERSOUNDINFOTUNERMEMORYPRESET TUNINGSUR. DECODESTRAIGHTENHANCERSTEREOMUSICMOVIEihhSETUPiCursor B / C / D / EiENTERiRETURNSWCLSL SRR>OffOnTEST VOL.Front L Front RCenterSubwooferSurround L Surround RInformation SpeakersFL Front speaker LFR Front speaker RC Center speakerSL Surround speaker LSR Surround speaker RSWFR SubwooferSWCLSL SRRFL----d---- dLEVEL VOL.J 1 : Only speakers configured for use in procedure 5 output the testtone.