2-1123456789101112Safety informationEAU1028BBe a Responsible OwnerAs the vehicle’s owner, you are respon-sible for the safe and proper operationof your motorcycle.Motorcycles are single-track vehicles.Their safe use and operation are de-pendent upon the use of proper ridingtechniques as well as the expertise ofthe operator. Every operator shouldknow the following requirements beforeriding this motorcycle.He or she should: Obtain thorough instructions froma competent source on all aspectsof motorcycle operation. Observe the warnings and mainte-nance requirements in this Own-er’s Manual. Obtain qualified training in safeand proper riding techniques. Obtain professional technical ser-vice as indicated in this Owner’sManual and/or when made neces-sary by mechanical conditions. Never operate a motorcycle with-out proper training or instruction.Take a training course. Beginnersshould receive training from a cer-tified instructor. Contact an autho-rized motorcycle dealer to find outabout the training courses nearestyou.Safe RidingPerform the pre-operation checks eachtime you use the vehicle to make sure itis in safe operating condition. Failure toinspect or maintain the vehicle properlyincreases the possibility of an accidentor equipment damage. See page 6-1for a list of pre-operation checks. This motorcycle is designed to car-ry the operator and a passenger. The failure of motorists to detectand recognize motorcycles in traf-fic is the predominating cause ofautomobile/motorcycle accidents.Many accidents have been causedby an automobile driver who didnot see the motorcycle. Makingyourself conspicuous appears tobe very effective in reducing thechance of this type of accident.Therefore:• Wear a brightly colored jacket.• Use extra caution when you areapproaching and passingthrough intersections, since in-tersections are the most likelyplaces for motorcycle accidentsto occur.• Ride where other motorists cansee you. Avoid riding in anothermotorist’s blind spot.• Never maintain a motorcyclewithout proper knowledge. Con-tact an authorized motorcycledealer to inform you on basicmotorcycle maintenance. Cer-tain maintenance can only becarried out by certified staff. Many accidents involve inexperi-enced operators. In fact, many op-erators who have been involved inaccidents do not even have a cur-rent motorcycle license.• Make sure that you are qualifiedand that you only lend your mo-torcycle to other qualified opera-tors.• Know your skills and limits.Staying within your limits mayhelp you to avoid an accident.• We recommend that you prac-