Periodic maintenance and adjustment8-15123456789101112er A by removing the bolts andquick fastener.TIPThe quick fastener is removed by push-ing in the center pin and then pulling thefastener out.6. Remove the coolant reservoir cov-er B and coolant reservoir by re-moving the bolts.7. Remove the collars and coolantreservoir cap, and then turn thecoolant reservoir upside down toempty it.8. After the coolant is completelydrained, thoroughly flush the cool-ing system with clean tap water.9. Install the collars, coolant reservoirand its covers by placing them inthe original position, and then in-stalling the bolts and quickfastner.TIPThe quick fastener is installed by push-ing out the center pin, inserting the fas-tener into the cover, and then bypushing the center pin flush with the1. Quick fastener2. Coolant reservoir cover A3. Bolt1321. Bolt2. Coolant reservoir cover B3. Coolant reservoir4. Coolant reservoir cap5. Collar1253 41. Coolant reservoir cap2. Coolant reservoir12