Instrument and control functions5-22123456789101112range is 5500–13000 r/min.TIPThe blue area on the tachometer indi-cates the currently set operationalrange of the shift indicator light.“Shift IND Brightness”The shift timing indicator light has sixbrightness levels.Select “Shift IND Brightness”, then usethe wheel switch to adjust the setting.Short push the wheel switch to confirmthe setting and exit.“Tach IND Setting”This module allows you to turn the ta-chometer color display on or off. Whenturned off, the tachometer will displayall r/min levels below the red zone inblack or white (depending on wallpapersettings). When turned on, the mid andmid-to-high r/min zones can be set tocome on in green and then orange col-ors.1. Select “Tach IND Setting”.2. Select “IND Mode”.1000 r/min12:00km/h Shift IndicatorTach IND SettingIND Mode ON5000 r/min8000 r/minTach IND 1stTach IND 2nd