Instrument and control functions5-18123456789101112“Reset” allows you to delete the laptime record data.Use the wheel switch to select “Display”and view the lap record.To reset the lap time record data1. When “Lap Time” is selected, both“Display” and “Reset” are dis-played.2. Select “Reset”.3. Select YES to delete all lap timedata. (Select NO to exit and returnto the previous screen without re-setting the lap record.)“Maintenance”This module allows you to record dis-tance traveled between engine oilchanges (use the OIL item), and for twoother items of your choice (use INTER-VAL 1 and INTERVAL 2).To reset a maintenance item1. From the MENU screen, select“Maintenance”.1. Fastest lap2. Average lap time3. Lap time record123NOReset ?Lap TimeYESkm/h GPGPS 12:00