INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS3-33EAUT1935Engine trouble warning light “ ”This warning light flashes or stays on ifan electrical circuit monitoring the en-gine is not working correctly. If this oc-curs, have a Yamaha dealer check theself-diagnosis system.The electrical circuit of the warninglight can be checked by turning the keyto “ON”. The warning light shouldcome on for a few seconds, and thengo off.If the warning light does not come oninitially when the key is turned to “ON”,or if the warning light remains on, havea Yamaha dealer check the electricalcircuit.EAU58530ABS warning light “ ” (for ABSmodels)In normal operation, the ABS warninglight comes on when the key is turnedto “ON”, and goes off after traveling ata speed of 10 km/h (6 mi/h) or higher.If the ABS warning light: does not come on when the key isturned to “ON” comes on or flashes while riding does not go off after traveling at aspeed of 10 km/h (6 mi/h) or high-erThe ABS may not work correctly. If anyof the above occurs, have a Yamahadealer check the system as soon aspossible. (See page 3-14 for an expla-nation of the ABS.)WARNINGEWA16041If the ABS warning light does not gooff after traveling at a speed of 10km/h (6 mi/h) or higher, or if thewarning light comes on or flasheswhile riding, the brake system re-verts to conventional braking. If ei-ther of the above occurs, or if thewarning light does not come on atall, use extra caution to avoid possi-ble wheel lock during emergencybraking. Have a Yamaha dealercheck the brake system and electri-cal circuits as soon as possible.EAUM3440Tachometer high-rpm warning lightThis light flashes at 9500 r/min to warnyou that the engine speed is about toenter the high-rpm zone. Once the en-gine speed reaches 10000 r/min, thislight will come on to warn you that it isnecessary to shift up to avoid enginedamage.To activate or deactivate the tachome-ter high-rpm warning light, hold the“INFO” button pushed, turn the key to“ON”, and when the tachometer high-rpm warning light starts flashing, pressthe “SELECT” button.TIPWhen activating or deactivating thewarning light the function, after press-ing the “SELECT” button, the light willcome on to indicate that the function isactivated or the light will go off to indi-cate that the function is deactivated.ABS