SAFETY INFORMATION1-21 Many accidents involve inexperi-enced operators. In fact, many op-erators who have been involved inaccidents do not even have a cur-rent motorcycle license.• Make sure that you are qualifiedand that you only lend your mo-torcycle to other qualified oper-ators.• Know your skills and limits.Staying within your limits mayhelp you to avoid an accident.• We recommend that you prac-tice riding your motorcyclewhere there is no traffic until youhave become thoroughly famil-iar with the motorcycle and all ofits controls. Many accidents have beencaused by error of the motorcycleoperator. A typical error made bythe operator is veering wide on aturn due to excessive speed or un-dercornering (insufficient lean an-gle for the speed).• Always obey the speed limit andnever travel faster than warrant-ed by road and traffic condi-tions.• Always signal before turning orchanging lanes. Make sure thatother motorists can see you. The posture of the operator andpassenger is important for propercontrol.• The operator should keep bothhands on the handlebar andboth feet on the operator foot-rests during operation to main-tain control of the motorcycle.• The passenger should alwayshold onto the operator, the seatstrap or grab bar, if equipped,with both hands and keep bothfeet on the passenger footrests.Never carry a passenger unlesshe or she can firmly place bothfeet on the passenger footrests. Never ride under the influence ofalcohol or other drugs. This motorcycle is designed foron-road use only. It is not suitablefor off-road use.Protective ApparelThe majority of fatalities from motorcy-cle accidents are the result of head in-juries. The use of a safety helmet is thesingle most critical factor in the pre-vention or reduction of head injuries. Always wear an approved helmet. Wear a face shield or goggles.Wind in your unprotected eyescould contribute to an impairmentof vision that could delay seeing ahazard. The use of a jacket, heavy boots,trousers, gloves, etc., is effectivein preventing or reducing abra-sions or lacerations. Never wear loose-fitting clothes,otherwise they could catch on thecontrol levers, footrests, or wheelsand cause injury or an accident. Always wear protective clothingthat covers your legs, ankles, andfeet. The engine or exhaust sys-tem become very hot during or af-ter operation and can causeburns. A passenger should also observethe above precautions.