6If your amplifier has only one set of front speaker output terminals.Connect the speaker output terminals of the amplifier to the INPUT 1 terminals of the subwoofer, and connect theOUTPUT terminals of the subwoofer to the front speakers.■ Using one subwoofer (with speaker cables)■ Using two subwoofers (with speaker cables)CONNECTIONSPOWERVOLUMEOUTPUTTO SPEAKERS INPUT2/MONOHIGH LOWHIGHCUTINPUT 1FROM AMPLIFIERONOFFOUTPUTTO SPEAKERS/MONOHIGH LOWHIGHCUTINPUT 1FROM AMPLIFIERINPUT2Right front speaker Left front speakerSubwooferAmplifierSpeaker outputterminalsTo AC outletPOWERVOLUMEOUTPUTTO SPEAKERS INPUT2/MONOHIGH LOWHIGHCUTINPUT 1FROM AMPLIFIERONOFFPOWERVOLUMEOUTPUTTO SPEAKERS INPUT2/MONOHIGH LOWHIGHCUTINPUT 1FROM AMPLIFIERONOFFOUTPUTTO SPEAKERS/MONOHIGH LOWHIGHCUTINPUT 1FROM AMPLIFIERINPUT2 OUTPUTTO SPEAKERS/MONOHIGH LOWHIGHCUTINPUT 1FROM AMPLIFIERINPUT2Right front speaker Left front speakerSubwooferSpeaker outputterminalsTo AC outlet To AC outletAmplifierSubwoofer