En 14CONNECTIONSConnecting external devices■ Connecting a video monitorConnect the video pin cable to the VIDEO (MONITOR OUT) jack.■ Listening to TV audioTo transmit sound from the TV to this unit, connect its AV1-5 or AUDIO1-2 jacks to the TV’sAUDIO OUT jacks.If the TV supports optical digital audio output, we recommend that you connect the TV audio outputto the receiver’s AV4 jack. Connecting to AV4 allows you to switch the input source to AV4 with justa single key operation using the SCENE function (☞p. 26).MONITOR OUTCOMPONENTVIDEOPRPBYOPTICAL( TV )AV 1 AV 2 AV 3 AV 4 AV 5AUDIO 1 AUDIO 2COAXIAL(CD)COAXIAL OPTICALVIDEOHDMI 1(BD/DVD)HDMI 2 HDMI 3 HDMI 4COMPONENTVIDEOMONITOR OUTPRPBYHDMI OUTAVOUT AUDIOOUTVIDEOVVVideo inputTVOPTICALCOMPONENTVIDEOPRPBYOPTICALAV 1 AV 2 AV 3 AV 5AUDIO 1 AUDIO 2COAXIAL(CD)COAXIALVIDEOHDMI 1(BD/DVD)HDMI 2 HDMI 3 HDMI 4COMPONENTVIDEOMONITOR OUTPRPBYHDMI OUTMONITOR OUTAVOUT AUDIOOUTOPTICALOOAudio output(Optical)TV