![Yanmar 3JH4E Service Manual Manual pdf 118 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/4779201/ad89c8ac5e3ab448b687caf29d4a1794118f.jpg)
2. Inspection and adjustment982.6.3 Check points and precautions during runningStep Item Instructions Precautions1 Checks beforeoperation.1) Make sure that the sea cock is open.2) Make sure there is enough lube oil and (fresh)coolant.3) Operate the remote control handle and check if thedevice connected to the engine works property.3) Lamp should go offwhen engine isrunning.2 No load operation;warm up operation.1) When the lube oil temperature is raised to allowthe engine to start, the pilot lamp goes off.2) When the engine is started, check the following:• There is no leakage of water, fuel and lube oil.• Exhaust gas does not leak when the engine isstarted.• There is no abnormal indication on the instrumentpanel.• There is no abnormality in coolant discharge,engine vibration or engine sound.3) To warm up the engine, operate at low speed forabout 5 minutes, then raise the speed to the ratedspeed and then to max. speed.2)• Fit leaks if any.• Check the intake/exhaust valves, fuelinjection nozzle andcylinder head.3) Do not raise theengine speedabruptly.3 Cruising (load)operation.1) Do not operate the engine at full load yet, but raisethe speed gradually for about 10 minutes until itreaches the rated speed.2) Make sure that exhaust gas color and temperatureare normal.3) Check the instrument panel and see if the watertemperature and oil pressure are normal.4 Stopping theengine.1) Before stopping the engine, operate it at 800-850min -1 for about 5 minutes.2) Raise engine speed to 1,800 min -1 jut beforestopping the engine and idle the engine for about3-4 seconds.1) Stopping the enginesuddenly during highspeed operationincreases thetemperature ofengine parts.2) This procedureprevents carbonfrom being depositedon the valve seats,etc.5 Checks after stop-ping the engine.1) Check again for water and oil leaks.2) Make sure that no nuts and bolts are loose.3) Close the sea cock and fuel cocks.4) When the temperature is expected to fall belowfreezing, drain the seawater.5) Turn off the battery switch.1) Check the oil sealarea.2) Especially theengine installationbolts.4) Drain from theseawater pump.