11. Remote control system (Optional)29611.4 Remote control adjustment(1) Shift lever adjustmentMove the control lever several times. Themovement of the clutch lever on the marinegear (forward, neutral and reverse) mustcoincide with the forward, neutral and reverseon the control lever. If they do not coincide,adjust the fittings as necessary (first engineside, then controller side).(2) Throttle lever adjustmentMove the control lever all the way to fullthrottle several times, and then return. Thethrottle lever on the engine (governor) mustlightly push against the idle switch when it isreturned. If it is property adjusted, the knobcan be easily pulled out when the lever is inthe neutral position, and will automaticallyreturn when the control lever is brought backto the neutral position. If the control leverpresses too hard against the knob, it may notreturn automatically, in which case the cableend must be adjusted (first engine side, thencontroller side). The knob cannot be pulled outwhen the lever is not in the neutral (central)position.