Configuring Network39TLV Type TLV Name DescriptionAuto-Negotiation is:100BASE-TX (full duplex mode)100BASE-TX (half duplex mode)10BASE-T (full duplex mode)10BASE-T (half duplex mode)TIAOrganizationallySpecific TLVsMedia CapabilitiesThe MED device type of the system andthe supported LLDP-MED TLV type can beencapsulated in LLDPDU.The supported LLDP-MED TLV types are:LLDP-MED Capabilities, Network Policy,Extended Power via MDI-PD, Inventory.Network Policy Port VLAN ID, application type, L2 priorityand DSCP value.ExtendedPower-via-MDI Power type, source, priority and value.Inventory –Hardware Revision Hardware revision of the system.Inventory –Firmware Revision Firmware revision of the system.Inventory –Software Revision Software revision of the system.Inventory – SerialNumber Serial number of the system.Inventory –Manufacturer NameManufacturer name of the system.The default value is ―IP Phone‖.Inventory – ModelNameModel name of the system.The default value is ―VCS‖.Asset ID Assertion identifier of the system.Parameters of LLDP feature on the system are described below.Parameter Description Configuration MethodLLDP->ActiveEnables or disables LLDP featureon the system.Default: DisabledNote: If you change thisparameter, the system will rebootRemote ControlWeb User Interface