Configuring Call Preferences103Parameter Description Configuration Methodnumber and password to log intothe Yealink Cloud platform. Build-in Cloud Number: Thismethod uses build-in Cloudnumber to log into the YealinkCloud platform. The numberconsists of 7 digits that aregenerated according to MACaddress, and it never expires.Default: PIN Code LoginPincode/Pin CodeSpecifies the PIN code to log into theYealink Cloud platform.Default: BlankNote: It only works if the value ofLogin Type is set to PIN Code Login.Remote ControlWeb User InterfaceUsernameSpecifies the user name to log into theYealink Cloud platform.Default: BlankNote: It only works if the value ofLogin Type is set to user/password.Remote ControlWeb User InterfacePasswordSpecifies the password associated withthe user name when signing into theYealink Cloud platform.Default: BlankNote: It only works if the value ofLogin Type is set to user/password.Remote ControlWeb User InterfaceRemember MeEnables or disables the endpoint toremember the registrationinformation.Default: ONNote: If it is on, user name andpassword will be filled automaticallynext time.It only works if the value of LoginType is set to Username/Password.Remote ControlTo configure Yealink Cloud platform via web user interface:1. Click on Account->Cloud.