036-21216-003-A-020418 Unitary Products GroupNOTE: Units and ductwork of DHE models are approved forzero clearance to combustible materials whenequipped with electric heatersFIGURE 7 - DHE UNIT DIMENSIONSTABLE 19: UTILITIES ENTRY DATAHOLE KNOCKOUTSIZE (DIA.) USED FORA 7/8”1 Control Wiring (Side orBottom)2B 2” Power Wiring (Side orBottom)C 1-5/8” Gas Piping (Front)D 1-1/2” Gas Piping (Bottom)1. Knockouts in the bottom of the unit can be located bythe slice in the insulation2. DO NOT remove the 2” knockout ring.FIGURE 8 - ACCESS PANELS AND DISCONNECTRETURNAIRSUPPLYAIROUTDOORAIROUTDOORAIR(Economizer)All dimensions are in inches. They aresubject to change without notice. Certi-fied dimensions will be provided uponrequest.