036-21216-003-A-0204Unitary Products Group 7TABLE 5: COOLING CAPACITIES - MODELS DHE/DHG 036 - 85°F - 95ºFAIR ONEVAPORATORCOILTEMPERATURE OF AIR ON CONDENSER COIL85°FTOTALCAP.1MBHPOWERINPUT2SENSIBLE CAPACITY3ENTERING DRY BULB, °FCFM WB°F 86 83 80 77 74 71 68150072 55.2 3.18 35.2 30.7 26.2 21.8 17.3 #N/A #N/A67 49.1 3.13 41.7 37.2 32.8 28.3 23.8 19.4 14.962 44.7 3.05 44.7 43.6 39.1 34.6 30.1 25.7 21.257 42.4 3.05 42.4 42.4 42.4 37.9 33.4 29.0 24.5135072 55.2 3.18 35.2 30.7 26.2 21.8 17.3 #N/A #N/A67 49.1 3.13 41.7 37.2 32.8 28.3 23.8 19.4 14.962 44.7 3.05 44.7 43.6 39.1 34.6 30.1 25.7 21.257 42.4 3.05 42.4 42.4 42.4 37.9 33.4 29.0 24.5120072 51.9 -3.15 30.0 26.5 23.0 19.5 16.0 #N/A67 46.1 3.10 35.7 32.2 28.7 25.2 21.7 18.2 14.762 42.0 3.02 41.2 37.7 34.2 30.7 27.2 23.7 20.257 39.8 3.03 39.8 39.8 37.3 33.8 30.3 26.8 23-3105072 49.4 3.12 27.3 24.3 21.2 182 15.2 #N/A67 43.9 3.07 32.6 29.6 26.5 23.5 20.5 17.4 14.462 40.0 2.99 37.7 34.7 31.6 28.6 25.6 22.5 19.557 37.9 3.00 37.9 37.0 34.5 31.4 28.4 25.4 22.390072 46.9 3.09 24.6 22.1 19.5 16.9 14.4 #N/A67 41.7 3.04 29.5 26.9 24.4 21.8 19.2 16.7 14.162 38.0 2.96 34.2 31.6 29.1 26.5 23.9 21.4 18.857 36.0 2.97 36.0 34.2 31.7 29.1 26.5 24.0 21.4AIR ONEVAPORATORCOILTEMPERATURE OF AIR ON CONDENSER COIL95°FTOTALCAP.MBHPOWERINPUTSENSIBLE CAPACITYENTERING DRY BULB, °FCFM WB°F 86 83 80 77 74 71 68150072 51.5 3.44 34.1 29.7 25.2 20.7 16.2 #N/A #N/A67 45.8 3.35 40.2 35.7 31.3 26.8 22.3 17.8 13.462 41.2 3.30 41.2 41.2 38.8 34.3 29.8 25.3 20.957 39.9 3.35 39.9 39.9 39.9 35.4 31.0 26.5 22.0135072 50.0 3.41 31.5 27.5 23.6 19.6 15.6 #N/A #N/A67 44.5 3.32 37.2 33.2 29.2 25.3 2 13 17.3 13.362 40.0 3.27 40.0 39.2 36.3 32.3 28.3 24.3 20.357 38.8 3.32 38.8 38.8 37.5 33.5 29.6 25.6 21.6120072 48.6 3.38 28.9 25.4 21.9 18.4 14.9 #N/A ' #N/A67 43.2 3.29 34.2 30.7 27.2 23.7 20.2 16.7 13.262 38.9 3.23 38.9 37.2 33.7 30.2 26.7 23.2 19.857 37.6 3.29 37.6 37.6 35.1 31.6 28.1 24.6 21.1105072 46.4 3.36 26.2 23.2 20.2 17.2 14.1 #N/A #N/A67 41.2 3.27 31.1 28.1 25.0 22.0 19.0 16.0 12.962 37.1 3.21 36.2 34.1 31.1 28.0 25.0 22.0 18.957 35.9 3.27 35.9 34.9 32.3 29.3 26.3 23.2 20.290072 44.2 3.34 23.6 21.0 18.4 15.9 13.3 #N/A #N/A67 39.3 3.25 28.0 25.4 22.9 20.3 17.7 15.2 12.662 35.4 3.20 33.5 30.9 28.4 25.8 23.2 20.7 18.157 34.2 3.25 34.2 32.1 29.5 27.0 24.4 21.8 19.31. These capacities are gross ratings. For net capacity, determine the KW of the supply air blower motor from the Blower Performance Table, multiplythis value by 3.415 MBH / KW to determine the motor heat, and deduct this heat from the gross capacity of the unit2. These ratings include the compressor and the condenser fan motors but not the supply air blower motor. The total condenser fan motor power inputis 0.36kW. Refer to Tables 10 and 11 for the kW of the supply air blower motor.3. These capacities are gross ratings. For net capacity, determine the kW of the supply air blower from Tables 10 and 11, multiply this value by 3.415MBH/kW to determine the motor heat, and deduct this heat from the gross capacity of the unit.NOMINAL RATING ALL SENSIBLE CAPACITY