4Suggestion for “Acknowledgements”This work was partially supported by PPBI - Portuguese Platform of BioImaging (PPBI-POCI-01-0145-FEDER-022122) co-funded by national funds from OE - "Orçamento deEstado" and by european funds from FEDER - "Fundo Europeu de DesenvolvimentoRegional”.People and ContactsAdriano O. Henriques, Microbial Development Group (aoh@itqb.unl.pt)Mónica Serrano, Microbial Development Group (serrano@itqb.unl.pt)Carolina Cassona, Microbial Development Group (ccassona@itqb.unl.pt)Fernando Cruz, Microbial Development Group (fernandocruz@itqb.unl.pt)Phone +351 214 469 524Extension 1524OpticsTransmitted Light:• Bright Field• Dark Field• Oblique LightIncident Light:• Fluorescence