07/05 9• Select the appropriate filters and activate thechannels.• Click the Excitation button to select the laserlines and set the attenuation values(transmission in %) in the displayed window.For the configuration of the beam path, pleaserefer to the application-specific configurationsdepending on the used dyes and markers and theexisting instrument configuration.• Clicking on the Spectr buttonopens the Detection Spectra &Laser Lines … window (Fig. 13) todisplay the activated laser lines forexcitation (colored vertical lines) andchannels (colored horizontal bars).• Clicking on the Config buttonopens the Track Configurationswindow (Fig. 14) to load, store ordelete track configurations.• For storing a new track configuration enter adesired name in the first line of theConfigurations list box and click an Store.• For loading an existing configuration select it inthe list box and click on Apply.• For deleting an existing configuration select it inthe list box and click on Delete.Setting for multi track configuration inChannel ModeThe Multi Track function permit several tracks tobe defined as one configuration (Channel ModeConfiguration) for the scan procedure, to bestored under any name, reloaded or deleted.The maximum of four tracks with up to 8 channelscan be defined simultaneously and then scannedone after the other. Each track is a separate unitand can be configured independently of the othertracks with regard to channels, Acousto-OpticalTunable Filters (AOTF), emission filters and dichroicbeam splitters.• Select Channel Mode if necessary (Fig. 15).Fig. 13 Detection Spectra & Laser Lines …windowFig. 14 Track Configurations windowFig. 15 Configuration Control window forMulti Track