ChannelsHere the intensity of the signal for the different channels can be adjusted. When adjusting theintensity for a channel be sure that the desired channel is highlighted and activated (checked)otherwise settings cannot be modified, or settings are modified for a different channel.Adjusting the correct intensity with the channels menuThe best way is to adjust the correct intensity of a channel is to use the range indicator in thebottom of the image window. If range indicator is activated we see the lowest intensity pixels(pixel value: 0) in blue; and the overexposed pixels in red. The overexposed pixels are out ofthe detector range, their intensity information is lost. We must avoid seeing overexposed (red)areas. By changing (decreasing) the detector gain or the laser AOTF in the channels menu,we can move the overexposed areas into the range of the detector.Which one should we change, the laser or the detector? There are no rules here, both haveadvantages and disadvantages. If we use high laser power with low gain we see a good qualityimage with low noise, but we can bleach the sample, so as always COMPROMISE betweenExisting tracks andchannels.Active lasersDigital gain: forget it…Existing channelsAOTF control(“power”) for a laserGain: applied voltage to thedetector of this channelDigital offset: change thebackground (darkest level) tothe detector of this channelPinhole: changing the thickness ofthe optical section. Click 1 AU to getconfocal imaging. There is no pinholeadjustment for the NDD-multiphotonsetup.