P A G E 3 5206-3492-OPRG POWERCABLE VCR AUX TVSURFENTERFLASHBK MUTECHANNELCHANNELVOLUME VOLUME1 2 34 5 6708 9MENUREWIND FFWDRECORDQUITABCCCTV/VCRSOURCEPAUSE TIMERPLAYSTOPVideo Menu/Computer Video MenuNote: For Computer Video Menu, connect and select a computersource.Press the MENU key repeatedly until the Video menu appears.Your options are:• Contrast: Adjusts the level of difference between white andblack in the TV picture. The more contrast, the brighter thepicture appears.• Brightness: Increases or decreases amount of white in the TVpicture.• Color: Adjusts levels of all colors in the TV picture.• Tint: Adjust the relative amounts of the color red and greenin your picture.• Sharpness: Raise or lower the definition of the picture. Thelower the level, the softer the image will appear..• Red/Green/Blue: Adjusts level of color in the picture.• HORZ Position: Adjusts horizontal position of picture.• VERT Position: Adjusts vertical position of picture.• HORZ Size: Adjusts horizontal size of picture.• VERT Size: Adjusts vertical size of picture.• Picture Preference: Choose either Custom or Preset. Customallows you to set the picture the way you want. Preset movesall the above options back to their original, factory-set levelsUsing the UP arrow on the remote control, choose Contrast onyour screen.Using a Left/Right arrow, change the contrast level to your pref-erence.Press ENTER, to return to TV viewing, or repeat from Step 2 toset the other menu options.Use the UP arrow to choose Picture Preference on your screen.Use the Left/Right arrow, to choose either the original settingswith Preset, or use your own settings with Custom.12345Choose the Preset option in Picture Preference to quickly reset thelevels to their original values.Use either the TV Video Menu for TVsources or the Computer Video Menufor computer sources to customizethe picture image CUSTOMCONTRASTBRIGHTNESSCOLORTINTSHARPNESSPICTURE PREF1 43/662/5CONTRASTBRIGHTNESSREDGREENBLUEHORZ. POS.VERT. POS.HORZ. SIZEVERT. SIZEPICT. PREFCOMPUTER VIDEO MENUPRESET3/6