Macro 900 Operation Manual V3© 2013 Palintest Ltd. Page 111 of 147Calibration point 1 (Pt-1) is the warm 10ppm point. Calibration point 2(Pt-2) is the warm 100ppm point. Calibration point 3 (Pt-3) is the cool10ppm point.The dates shown to the right of each point are the dates of the lastsuccessful calibration.8. Select Pt-1. The screen will change to:PLEASE WAITStabilising000%The Meter will wait until the readings are stable, then it will send the calibrationcommand to the Probe, where the calibration takes place. During calibration,the Calibrating screen is displayed and the progress counter counts up. If thecalibration is successful, the counter will reach 100% and the following screenwill be displayed.Output:348mVCalibrating100%Press [OK]The Calibration Report on the top line displays the voltage output from the ISEelectrode in millivolts (mV). This value is not stored in memory so should benoted down in a calibration record book for the probe along with thetemperature.Point 21. Remove the probe from the 10ppm solution and wash thoroughly indeionised water. Dry the probe then drop it into to the warm 100ppmsolution.2. Stir the probe until the temperature and Ca2 readings are completelystable. A minimum of five minutes is recommended.3. Ensure the temperature of the solution is within 1ºC of theprevious 10ppm calibration point. If the solution is warmer or coolerthan this, calibration will fail.4. Referring to steps 4-7 above, select Pt-2 and press OK.The Meter will wait until the readings are stable, then it will send the calibrationcommand to the Probe, where the calibration takes place. During calibration,the Calibrating screen is displayed and the progress counter counts up asshown above. If the calibration is successful, the counter will reach 100% andthe calibration report screen will be displayed.If the temperature of the 100ppm solution is more than 1ºC different from the