Macro 900 Operation Manual V3© 2013 Palintest Ltd. Page 97 of 147reported. If this happens, adjust the temperature and try again.Point 31. Remove the probe from the 100ppm solution and wash thoroughly indeionised water. Dry the probe then drop it into to the cool 10ppmsolution.2. Stir the probe until the temperature and NH4 readings are completelystable. A minimum of five minutes is recommended.3. Ensure the temperature of the solution is at least 10ºC coolerthan the previous 100ppm calibration point. If the solution is toowarm, calibration will fail.4. Referring to steps 4-7 above, select Pt-3 and press OK.The Meter will wait until the readings are stable, then it will send the calibrationcommand to the Probe, where the calibration takes place. During calibration,the Calibrating screen is displayed and the progress counter counts up asshown above. If the calibration is successful, the counter will reach 100% andthe calibration report screen will be displayed.If the temperature of the cool 10ppm solution is less than 10ºC cooler than thePt-1 and Pt-2 calibration temperatures, an OUT OF TEMP RANGE calibrationerror will be reported. If this happens, adjust the temperature and try again.16.4.3. Two-point CalibrationTwo-point calibration should be carried out weekly. For this, 10ppm and100ppm solutions are required. The two solutions can be at any temperaturebetween 5ºC and 30ºC but they both must be the same temperature (within1ºC).If the temperature of the two solutions differ by more than 1ºC, an OUT OFTEMP RANGE calibration error will be reported. If this happens, adjust thetemperature and try again.During two-point calibration, the MAP 2000/2100 and Macro 900 Meter mustremain switched on. If the Macro 900 Meter is switched off between points, thecalibration process will be aborted and must be re-started from point 1.To calibrate the ISE electrode follow the steps outlined above under three-pointcalibration for points 1 and 2 only.16.4.4. Single-point CalibrationSingle-point calibration should be carried out daily. For this, just 10ppmsolution is required. The solution can be at any temperature between 5ºC and30ºC.To calibrate the ISE electrode follow the steps outlined above under three-pointcalibration for points 1 only.