Macro 900 Operation Manual V3© 2013 Palintest Ltd. Page 70 of 147CALIBRATE BGA-PEÆPt-1? [01/Jan/12]Pt-2? [01/Jan/12]Calibration point 1 (Pt-1) is the Zero point. Calibration point 2 (Pt-2) is the upper calibration point.The dates shown to the right of each point are the dates of the lastsuccessful calibration.7. Select Pt-1. The screen will change to:PLEASE WAITStabilising000%The Meter will wait until the readings are stable, then it will sendthe calibration command to the Probe, where the calibration takesplace. During calibration, the Calibrating screen is displayed and theprogress counter counts up. If the calibration is successful, thecounter will reach 100% and the following screen will be displayed.Offset:2500mVCalibrating100%Press [OK]The Calibration Report on the top line displays the voltage outputfrom the probe in millivolts (mV). This value is not stored inmemory so should be noted down in a calibration record book forthe probe.15.3.7. Calibrating Point 2Remove the Probe from the calibration bottle, shake off any excess water thendry the outer sleeve with a soft cloth.Fill a calibration bottle with freshly mixed Rhodamine calibration solution anddrop the Probe in all the way. Again, bang the Probe against the bottom of thebottle several times in order to remove any air bubbles that may be clinging tothe probe.Follow the procedure detailed above for Zero point calibration as far as step 6,then select Pt-2. Wait while the Meter stabilises and calibrates.