Macro 900 Operation Manual V3© 2013 Palintest Ltd. Page 28 of 14710. MacroCal Calibration Method10.1. About CalibrationCalibration is a very important part of successful water quality measurementand should be carried out regularly as detailed in each separate section of thismanual. A great deal of development work has been put into simplifying andautomating the calibration procedures in the Macro 900 Meter in order to allownormal field operatives (as opposed to trained lab technicians) to achieve quickand accurate results.As a general rule, pH and EC should be calibrated as close to 25ºC as possible.Optical electrodes should be calibrated as close to their deploymenttemperature as possible.In order to standardise calibration techniques, Palintest provide plasticcalibration bottles into which the MAP 2000/2100 can be directly inserted. TheMAP 2000/2100 is designed to be calibrated in these calibration bottles withthe Probe Sleeve, Sleeve End Cap and End Cap Plug fitted.The Probe Sleeve, Sleeve End Cap and End Cap Plug form an integral,working part of the Probe’s measurement system, and MUST be fittedduring calibration and measurement for correct operation. See sectionError! Reference source not found. Error! Reference source not found. forfurther details.10.2. Special Notes Concerning ISEElectrodesThe high ionic concentration of pHcalibration solutions (buffers), includingMacroCal, can cause significant offsets inISE electrodes.These offsets are temporary, but bestavoided because they can causesignificant errors during both calibrationand normal operation.For this reason all ISE electrodes aresupplied with a red rubber sealing cap.The caps should be fitted to all ISE Electrode when using MacroCal inorder to protect the ISE electrodes from the effects of the buffer solution.At all other times, the ISE electrodes should be left uncovered.