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Keysight Technologies 6811C manuals

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Table of contents
  1. declaration of conformity
  2. safety information
  3. safety considerations
  4. Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Table Of Contents
  11. Table Of Contents
  12. Table Of Contents
  13. Table Of Contents
  14. Table Of Contents
  15. Table Of Contents
  16. Table Of Contents
  17. 1 General Information
  18. About this Guide
  19. External References
  20. Keysight IO Libraries Suite
  21. Introduction to Programming Introduction
  22. USB Capabilities of the AC Source
  23. LAN Capabilities of the AC Source
  24. gpib address
  25. RS-232 Capabilities of the AC Source
  26. RS-232 Programming Example
  27. RS-232 troubleshooting
  28. Introduction to SCPI
  29. Types of SCPI commands
  30. The SCPI Command Tree
  31. The root level
  32. The effect of optional headers
  33. Including common commands
  34. Coupled commands
  35. Structure of a SCPI Message
  36. Combining message units
  37. Headers
  38. Query indicator
  39. Message terminator
  40. SCPI Data Formats
  41. Suffixes and multipliers
  42. System Considerations
  43. Types of DOS drivers
  44. error handling
  45. Language Dictionary Introduction
  46. Subsystem Commands
  47. Calibration Subsystem Commands
  48. CALibrate:COUNt
  49. CALibrate:CURRent:AC
  50. CALibrate:DATA
  51. CALibrate:DATE
  52. CALibrate:LEVel
  53. CALibrate:PHASe:AUXiliary
  54. CALibrate:PWM:RAMP
  55. CALibrate:SECure:CODE
  56. CALibrate:SECure:STATe
  57. CALibrate:SHUNt
  58. CALibrate:STATe
  59. CALibrate:STRing
  60. CALibrate:VOLTage:AUXiliary
  61. CALibrate:VOLTage:OFFSet
  62. Display Subsystem Commands
  63. DISPlay:MODE
  64. LXI Subsystem Commands
  65. LXI:MDNS[:STATe]
  66. LXI:MDNS:HNAMe[:RESolved]
  67. LXI:MDNS:SNAMe[:RESolved]
  68. Measurement Subsystem (Arrays) Commands
  69. MEASure:ARRay:CURRent
  70. MEASure:ARRay:CURRent:HARMonic
  71. MEASure:ARRay:CURRent:HARMonic:PHASe
  72. MEASure:ARRay:VOLTage
  73. MEASure:ARRay:VOLTage:HARMonic
  74. MEASure:ARRay:VOLTage:HARMonic:PHASe
  75. Measurement Subsystem (Current) Commands
  76. MEASure:CURRent
  77. MEASure:CURRent:ACDC
  78. MEASure:CURRent:CREStfactor
  79. MEASure:CURRent:HARMonic:PHASe
  80. Measurement Subsystem (Frequency) Commands
  81. Measurement Subsystem (Power) Commands
  82. MEASure:POWer:AC
  83. MEASure:POWer:AC:REACtive
  84. Measurement Subsystem (TVOLt) Commands
  85. MEASure:TVOLt
  86. MEASure:TVOLt:ABSolute
  87. Measurement Subsystem (Voltage) Commands
  88. MEASure:VOLTage
  89. MEASure:VOLTage:ACDC
  90. MEASure:VOLTage:HARMonic:PHASe
  91. MEASure:VOLTage:RANKed
  92. Output Subsystem Commands
  93. OUTPut
  94. OUTPut:DFI
  95. OUTPut:IMPedance
  96. OUTPut:IMPedance:REACtive
  97. OUTPut:PROTection:CLEar
  98. OUTPut:RI:MODE
  99. OUTPut:TTLTrg:SOURce
  100. Sense Subsystem Commands
  102. SENSe:FREQuency:SOURce
  103. SENSe:NSELect
  104. SENSe:SWEep:TINTerval
  105. SENSe:WINDow
  106. Source Subsystem (Current) Commands
  107. CURRent
  108. CURRent:PEAK
  109. CURRent:PEAK:MODE
  110. CURRent:PEAK:TRIGgered
  111. CURRent:PROTection:STATe
  112. Source Subsystem (Frequency) Commands
  113. FREQuency:MODE
  114. FREQuency:SLEW:MODE
  115. FREQuency:TRIGgered
  116. Source Subsystem (Frequency Modulation) Commands
  117. FM:DEViation
  118. Source Subsystem (Function) Commands
  119. FUNCtion
  120. FUNCtion:MODE
  121. FUNCtion:TRIGgered
  122. FUNCtion:CSINusoid
  123. Source Subsystem (List) Commands
  124. LIST:COUNt
  125. LIST:CURRent
  126. LIST:DWELl
  127. LIST:FREQuency
  128. LIST:FREQuency:SLEW
  129. LIST:PHASe
  130. LIST:SHAPe
  131. LIST:STEP
  132. LIST:TTLTrg:POINts
  133. LIST:VOLTage:POINts
  134. LIST:VOLTage:OFFSet
  136. Source Subsystem (Phase) Commands
  137. PHASe:AUXiliary
  138. PHASe:TRIGgered
  139. Source Subsystem (Pulse) Commands
  140. PULSe:DCYCle
  141. PULSe:PERiod
  142. Source Subsystem (Voltage) Commands
  143. VOLTage
  144. VOLTage:TRIGgered
  145. VOLTage:AUXiliary
  146. VOLTage:MODE
  147. VOLTage:OFFSet
  148. VOLTage:OFFSet:MODE
  149. VOLTage:OFFSet:TRIGgered
  151. VOLTage:PROTection
  152. VOLTage:SENSe:DETector
  153. VOLTage:SENSe:SOURce
  154. VOLTage:SLEW
  155. VOLTage:SLEW:TRIGgered
  156. Status Subsystem Commands
  157. STATus:PRESet
  158. STATus:OPERation:CONDition
  159. STATus:OPERation:NTRansition
  160. STATus:QUEStionable
  161. STATus:QUEStionable:CONDition
  162. STATus:QUEStionable:NTRansition
  163. System Subsystem Commands
  164. SECurity[:IMMediate]
  165. SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:DHCP
  166. SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:DNS[{1|2}]
  167. SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:DOMain
  168. SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:GATeway
  169. SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:HOSTname
  170. SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:IPADdress
  171. SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:MAC
  172. SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:SMASk
  173. SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:TELNet:PROMpt
  174. SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:UPDate
  175. SYSTem:COMMunicate:RLSTate
  176. SYSTem:ERRor
  177. SYSTem:PERSona:MANufacturer:DEFault
  178. SYSTem:SECurity:COUNt
  179. SYSTem:SET
  180. SYSTem:REMote
  181. Trace Subsystem Commands
  182. TRACe
  183. TRACe:DEFine
  184. Trigger Subsystem Commands
  185. ABORt
  186. INITiate:SEQuence
  187. INITiate:CONTinuous:SEQuence
  188. TRIGger:DELay
  189. TRIGger:SEQuence2:SOURce
  190. TRIGger:SEQuence2:PHASe
  191. TRIGger:SEQuence3:SOURce
  192. TRIGger:SEQuence1:DEFine
  193. common commands
  194. Compatibility of the B and C Versions of the AC Power Solutions Persona Commands
  195. New Feature Comparison with B and C AC Source
  196. Programming Examples Introduction
  197. Programming the Output
  198. Voltage and frequency slew rates
  199. Waveform shapes
  200. Programming the output phase
  201. DC output
  202. Programming Output Transients
  203. Transient system model
  204. Step and pulse transients
  205. List transients
  206. Triggering Output Changes
  207. Output trigger system model
  208. Initiating the output trigger system
  209. Specifying a trigger delay
  210. Synchronizing output changes to a reference phase angle
  211. Specifying a dwell time for each list point
  212. making measurements
  213. Voltage and current measurements
  214. Harmonic measurements
  215. Returning voltage and current data from the data buffer
  216. Triggering Measurements
  217. Measurement trigger system model
  218. Initiating the measurement trigger system
  219. Generating measurement triggers
  220. Programming the Status Registers
  221. Questionable Status Group
  222. Standard event status group
  223. status byte register
  224. Examples
  225. Programming the Trigger In and Trigger Out BNC Connectors
  226. Remote Inhibit and Discrete Fault Indicator
  227. Discrete fault indicator (DFI)
  228. SCPI Command Completion
  229. command syntax
  230. B SCPI Conformance Information SCPI Confirmed Commands
  231. Non SCPI Commands
  232. error messages
  233. C Error Messages Error Number List
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