TROUBLESHOOTING AND H ELP R ESOURCES6-6Windows 95 has built-in dial-up network support. Using Dial-Up Networking, you are ableto connect to remote servers and Internet providers. Through some easy steps, you canconnect to your local Internet provider or Remote Access Service (RAS).The first step in setting up Dial-Up Networking is to make sure the service is installed. TheDial-Up service is located in the Accessories group and is not part of the default installation.To check to see if it was installed, click Start, point to Programs and click Accessories.If there is no group containing the title Dial-Up Networking, this means that it is not installedon the system. If you have already installed Dial-Up Networking, skip to Configuring Dial-Up Networking.Installing Dial-Up NetworkingTo add dial-up networking, start by clicking Start, pointing to Settings and clickingControl Panel. Then click Add/Remove Programs. Click the Windows Setup tab.Next, select Communications and press Details.... The Communications screenshould appear. Check Dial-Up Networking, then click OK. Then click OK again. Itwill now look for your Windows 95 CD-ROM or diskette. Place it in the machine andclick OK (skip this step if the CD-ROM or diskette is already in the drive). Once thefiles are done copying, and the shortcuts created, it will request that you shut down.