TECHNICAL R EFERENCE8-14&Mn Sets Error Control (ARQ)for connections at 1200 bpsand higher.&M0 Normal mode, error controldisabled&M1 Reserved&M2 Reserved&M3 Reserved&M4 Normal/ARQ&M5 ARQ mode&Nn Sets connect speed. If connectioncannot be made at this speed, themodem will hang up. When usedin conjunction with &Un and&Un is greater than 0, &Nn setsthe ceiling connect speed. &Unsets the floor connect speed (seealso the table in the &Un section).NOTE: &N17 through &N39apply only to V.90 products.&N0 Connection speed isdetermined bythe remote modem.&N1 300 bps&N2 1200 bps&N3 2400 bps&N4 4800 bps&N5 7200 bps&N6 9600 bps&N7 12,000 bps&N8 14,400 bps&N9 16,800 bps&N10 19,200 bps&N11 21,600 bps&N12 24,000 bps&N13 26,400 bps&N14 28,800 bps&N15 31,200 bps&N16 33,600 bps&N17 28,000 bps&N18 29,333 bps