F INDEX OF MANAGEMENTACTIONS AND DA TAThis index consists of an alphabetical listing of field names taken fromthe VT100 screens. It relates the field names to the page in the userguide where you can find a description of the use of the field and thetitle of the screen containing it. Also, it indicates the type of field.Use the standard subject index which follows to look up general topics.The “Key” column contains a code letter for the type of parameterpresented. The meanings of these code letters is tabulated below. The“Page” column gives the page number in the current user guide wherethe use of the parameter is described. The “Screen” column gives thetitle of the screen where the parameter appears.Code letter MeaningB Button to next screenC Choose from toggle listD Direct action buttonE Enter textR Read-only dataS Select from listParameter Key Page ScreenAccess Level C 3-20 Create Users ScreenActive Port C 3-28 Repeater ResilienceActive Port C 3-39 Port ResilienceActive Power Supply R 3-33 Unit Setup