648 CHAPTER 52: VPLS CONFIGURATION# Configure a LDP remote peer (PE2) to set up LDP session.[PE1] mpls ldp remote-peer 1[PE1-mpls-remote1] remote-ip Enable L2VPN globally.[PE1] mpls l2vpn# Configure a VPLS instance and VSI-ID (VPN-ID). Enter VSI-LDP view to configurethe IP address of PE2.[PE1] vsi 3Com static[PE1-vsi-3Com] pwsignal ldp[PE1-vsi-3Com-ldp] vsi-id 500[PE1-vsi-3Com-ldp] peer[PE1-vsi-3Com-ldp] quit# Configure a private VLAN, add a port to it, and bind a VSI instance.[PE1] vlan 100[PE1-vlan-100] port Ethernet 6/1/48[PE1-vlan-100] interface vlan 100[PE1-vlan-interface100] l2 binding vsi 3Com access-mode ethernet# Enable VLAN-VPN on the port of the private network.[PE1] interface Ethernet 6/1/48[PE1-Ethernet6/1/48] vlan-vpn enable# Configure user-defined flow template, and ACL redirection rule to allow forMPLS packets with VPLS labels.[PE1] flow-template user-defined slot 4 ethernet-protocol vlanid[PE1] acl number 4000[PE1-acl-link-4000] rule 0 permit mpls l2label-range ingress any egress any[PE1-acl-link-4000] quit# Define user flow template in port view and configure redirection rule to redirectVPLS packets back from the public network to the VPLS service processor card andspecify the VLAN ID of the redirection flow.[PE1] interface GigabitEthernet4/1/1[PE1-GigabitEthernet4/1/1] flow-template user-defined[PE1-GigabitEthernet4/1/1] traffic-redirect inbound link-group 4000 rule 0slot 5 10 join-vlanNote that, if a common interface module is on slot 4 and all the eight label rangescorresponding to the rule are not assigned, you must configure the followingcommand to prevent the flow in other label ranges not matched from beingreported to the CPU:# Configure an ACL redirection rule for denying the MPLS packets with VPLSlabels.[PE1] acl number 4001[PE1-acl-link-4001] rule 1 deny mpls l2label-range ingress any egress any