About the TABM Application 3-9About the TABMApplicationThe TABM application is an easy-to-use, graphical environment forconfiguring and monitoring AccessBuilder servers that are reachablefrom your network.Autodiscovery In addition to TABMTOOL listening for new AccessBuilder BootPrequests, an autodiscovery facility is included. This facility issues aproprietary UDP request to discover (previously configured)AccessBuilders on the same network segment as the TABMworkstation. This request occurs automatically when TABM islaunched, or when the Autodiscover icon is clicked while TABM isrunning.A previously configured AccessBuilder residing on the opposite side ofa router on the same network segment as the TABM managementstation cannot be discovered by TABM because the router cannotbridge TABM’s special UDP requests. In this case the IP address of thetarget AccessBuilder must be manually entered into TABM.IP NetworksNew servers that are connected to the network send configurationrequests (BootP requests) to the TABMTOOL application.Upon receiving such a request, the application automatically displays adialog box so you can enter the required information. After you enterthe required information, the application (TABM) adds the new serverto the All Servers List, which is described in the next section.IPX NetworksIn IPX networks, the AccessBuilder Manager can auto discover theAccessBuilders on the LAN without knowing the IPX address of themanagement workstation on which it is running. All servers, includingthose on different subnets that respond are added to the All ServersList, which is described in the next section.Main Window (AllServers List View)The main window appears when you first start the application. Themain window lists all servers known to the application by IP/IPX addressand user-defined name.ab4kbook Page 9 Thursday, March 27, 1997 11:51 AM