B-6 APPENDIX B: REMOTE SOFTWARE UP/DOWNLOADING PROCEDURESFigure B-3 Remote Download/Upload Using The AccessBuilder Console PortAt the AccessBuilder 4000 remote site, you must have a modemconnected to the AccessBuilder 4000’s console port. Use a male DB-25to male DB-25 null modem cable to connect the modem to theAccessBuilder 4000’s console port.If a dedicated phone line is not used, make arrangements to have anavailable line connected to the modem. Be sure to obtain the phonenumber of the line used.Local PC . On your local PC you will need a terminal emulationprogram capable of supporting the Windows X-Modem file transferprotocol. The terminal emulator accessory supplied with Windowsprovides this functionality. This function is also provided through TABM.If you plan to download a new AccessBuilder 4000 server softwareimage, be sure the new server software image has been loaded ontothe local PC from the 3Com-provided AccessBuilder 4000 Softwaredistribution diskette.Initial Setup General1 Connect a PC directly to the console port using a straight-throughcable.or2 Connect a modem to the console port using a null modem cable. Thenhave a PC connected to a modem dial in to the console port.PCPCStatusActivity PowerSYSTEM STATUSSYSTEM STATUSAccessBuilderAccessBuilder4000Remote Access ServerStatusActivity PowerSYSTEM STATUSSYSTEM STATUSAccessBuilderAccessBuilder4000Remote Access ServerUse straigth-thrucable hereAccessBuilder 4000 SeriesUse null modemcable hereTelephoneNetworkab4kbook Page 6 Thursday, March 27, 1997 11:51 AM