108 C HAPTER 4: C OMMAND R EFERENCE6 Since the intent is to block access to all servers, enter * inthe Destination Addr. Range Begin box.7 Click Add Rule.Enabling the ISP to Ping the Internet FirewallBy default, the Internet Firewall does not respond to pingsfrom the Internet. However, Ping is a tool that many ISPsuse to verify that the Internet connection is active.In this example, you limit the source to allow the ISP to pingthe Internet Firewall only.1 For the Action, choose Allow.2 From the Service list, choose Ping.3 Select WAN from the Source Ethernet list.4 Enter the starting IP address of the ISP’s network in theSource Addr. Range Begin box and the network’s ending IPaddress in the Source Addr. Range Begin box.5 Select WAN from the Destination Ethernet list.6 Since the intent is to allow a ping only to the InternetFirewall, enter the Internet Firewall’s Web Address in theDestination Addr. Range Begin box.7 Click Add Rule.User PrivilegesThe Internet Firewall provides an authentication mechanismwhich gives authorized users access to the LAN fromremote locations on the Internet as well as a means tobypass the Internet filtering and blocking from the LAN tothe Internet.User SettingsClick Policy, and then select the User Privileges tab. Awindow similar to that in Figure 46 is displayed.