3 Q UICK S ETUP FOR THEI NTERNET F IREWALLThis chapter contains the following: Checklist for Setting up the Internet Firewall Setting up the Internet FirewallChecklist for Setting up the Internet FirewallThis section lists the information that you need to set upthe Internet Firewall.Cable Modem UsersIf you are using the Internet Firewall with a cable modem,you may need to register the MAC address of the unit withyour cable service provider before connecting the InternetFirewall to your network. You can find the MAC address ofthe Internet Firewall on a label on the underside of the unit.Initial Configuration using the Internet Firewall WizardPlease refer to the Quick Start Guide for information onhow to connect to your Internet Firewall. To access theInternet Firewall Wizard, enter orhttp://my.3com.com in the address box of your Internetweb browser.The default configuration of the Internet Firewall isdesigned to make the initial set up as easy as possible.There are two options:Router/Modem acting as DHCP ServerIf you have a network where your Internet router/modem isbeing used as a DHCP server then the Internet FirewallWizard requires minimal information.The Internet Firewall Wizard: Obtains network information from the router/modemautomatically.