Specifying Intranet Settings 113intranet settings to allow LAN users to access the proxy. Ifyou do not do this, users cannot access the proxy.1 Install the proxy server.a Install and configure the proxy server software using avalid IP address.b Plug the proxy server into an Ethernet hub connected tothe WAN port on the Internet Firewall.2 Configure the Intranet settings.a Click Advanced, and then select the Intranet tab.b In the Add Range box, enter the proxy server’s IPaddress.c Select the Specified address ranges are attached to theWAN link radio button.d Click Update. See “Specifying Intranet Settings” onpage 113 for more information.3 Configure the Web Proxy Relay.a Click Advanced, and then select the Proxy Relay tab.b Configure the Web proxy relay. See “Automatic ProxyForwarding” on page 111 for more information.Web traffic is directed to the proxy, which fulfills allrequests, without reconfiguring all the Web browsers onthe LAN.Specifying Intranet SettingsIn some cases, it is desirable to prevent access to certainresources by unauthorized users on the LAN. For example,a school’s administration office may be placed behind theInternet Firewall to restrict access to its computers by usersin the Student Computer Lab. Similarly, an organization’saccounting, research, or other sensitive resources may beprotected against unauthorized access by other users onthe same network. By default, protected LAN users canonly access the Internet and no other devices between theWAN port and the Internet. To enable access to the areabetween the Internet Firewall’s WAN port and the Internet