124 C HAPTER 5: T HE O FFICEC ONNECT WEB S ITE F ILTER ACTIVATIONcategory will include discussion sites on how to talk toyour partner about diseases, pregnancy and respectingboundaries. The Sex Education category is uniquelyassigned; sites classified as Sex Education are notclassified in any other category. This permits the user toblock or allow the Sex Education category asappropriate, for example, allow the material for anolder child while restricting it for a younger child.Not included in the category are commercial sites thatsell sexual paraphernalia. These sites are typically foundin the Sex Acts category. Questionable/Illegal & Gambling:Pictures or text advocating materials or activities of adubious nature which may be illegal in any or alljurisdictions, such as illegal business schemes, chainletters, copyright infringement, computer hacking,phreaking (using someone's phone lines withoutpermission) and software piracy. Also includes textadvocating gambling relating to lotteries, casinos,betting, numbers games, on-line sports or financialbetting, including non-monetary dares and "1-900"type numbers. Alcohol & Tobacco:Pictures or text advocating the sale, consumption, orproduction of alcoholic beverages or tobacco products,including commercial sites in which alcohol or tobaccoproducts are the primary focus. Pub and restaurant sitesfeaturing social or culinary emphasis, where alcoholconsumption is incidental are not in this categoryFor further details refer to:www.cyberpatrol.comActivating the Web Site FilterYou must have already registered the OfficeConnectInternet Firewall before Activating the Web Site Filter. SeeChapter 3 for registration details.When you register the product you will be given 30 daysfree subscription to the Web Site Filter. To continue gettingupgrades to the Web Site Filter (covering new Web Sites as