14 A BOUT T HIS G UIDEPing of Death — A type of DoS attack. The InternetProtocol (IP) defines the maximum size for a Ping packet.However, some Ping programs can send packets that arelarger than this size which can cause some systems tocrash.PPPoE — Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet. PPP is theInternet Standard for transmission of IP packets over seriallines. PPPoE is a version of this protocol that operates overEthernet.SYN FLood — A type of DoS attack. This is where a clientopens a connection with a server but does not complete it.If the server queue fills up with partially-open connections,no other clients can make genuine connections to thatserver.UTC —stands for “Universal Time Co-ordinated”, and isthe standard time common to all places in the world. It isalso commonly referred to as GMT or World Time.Web Site Filter — Abbreviation for the OfficeConnectWeb Site Filter.Year 2000 ComplianceFor information on Year 2000 compliance and 3Comproducts, visit the 3Com Year 2000 Web page:http://www.3com.com/products/yr2000.htmlFeedback about this User GuideYour suggestions are very important to us. They will helpmake our documentation more useful to you. Please e-mailcomments about this document to 3Com at:pddtechpubs_comments@3com.comPlease include the following information whencommenting: Document title Document part number (on the title page) Page number (if appropriate)