Top N Groups Report 109Top N GroupsReportThis report calculates the top N groups by total octets sent and receivedover the report period. You can limit the report to consider only groups ata specified level in the grouping scheme within a parent group.Some examples of group reports are:n Geographical grouping — Top 10 at City level within the US groupshows you the most active cities in the U.S.n Type and Network grouping — Top 10 at Network level within theIP group shows you the most active IP networks.n Type and Network grouping — Top 10 at Network level within theTraffix root group shows you the most active networks of any type.The information contained in the report is shown below.Table 14 Top N Groups Report ChartsReportSection Chart Title Description1.1 Top Groups ByOctetsA stacked bar chart containing the top N groups asmeasured by total octets in the internal, external oroverall conversations, broken down by protocol.ProtocolDistribution OfTop GroupsA pie chart showing the top 10 protocols seen across allof the N groups. If more than 10 protocols are seen, theremainder are grouped as other.Group History A multiple line chart showing the history of the totaloctets for each of the N groups over the report period.2 Detail For TopGroups2.1 ProtocolDistribution OfGroup By OctetsA pie chart showing the group’s internal, external oroverall octets broken down by protocol.Top GroupConversationsWith ProtocolDistributionA stacked bar chart showing the top 10 groups talkingto the detail group by total octets sent and received,broken down by protocol. Only conversations withgroups at the same level of the grouping scheme as thedetail group are considered.ProtocolDistribution ByOctets WithPackets OverlaidA stacked bar chart showing the group’s total internal,external or overall octets over the report time period,broken down by protocol. The left hand axis refers tothe octet totals. The right hand axis refers to the packettotals which is shown as a line.(continued)