5 LAUNCHING TRAFFIX MANAGERAFTER THE FIRST TIMEThis chapter provides information on how to launch Traffix™ Manager,after the first time. It contains the following sections:n Launching the Traffix Manager Servern Launching a Traffix Manager Clientn Client Access LevelsLaunching theTraffix ManagerServerStart the Traffix server using the Traffix Control Panel. The Traffix ControlPanel is also used for database administration. See Appendix B,“Database Management Using Traffix Control Panel” for moreinformation.You can launch the Traffix Control Panel by clickingStart>Programs>Transcend Traffix Manager>Transcend Traffix Managerv3.0 Control Panel. The Traffix Control Panel can only be run on the servermachine. Only one server can be run on a machine at any given time.For support of multiple servers within the same broadcast domain, see“Startup Options” on page 125.Launching a TraffixManager ClientYou can only successfully start a Traffix Manager client if the server isalready running. The server may be within the local broadcast domain oroutside it. The client is launched from the Start menu, and automaticallycontacts any server that is running in the local broadcast domain.If you try to start a Traffix Manager client without launching the serverfirst, you receive an error message.