118 APPENDIX A: T ROUBLESHOOTING TRAFFIX M ANAGERReports take very longtime to run.Reports using largeamounts of data cantake some time tocomplete.n Speed up ad hoc report generation by generating reports forfewer numbers of devices, groups, protocols or segments.n Schedule reports to run overnight rather than running ad hocreports.n Use the graphing tools provided from the main window to getinformation quickly. The main window is more suitable forreal-time analysis of data. See Chapter 8, “Displaying Traffic inGraphs”.n Reduce the number of devices in the Map using theAggregator. See Appendix C, “Aggregating Devices”.n Activity reports run more quickly than Top N reports. If youhave established a set of devices or groups which you areparticularly interested in, create an activity report which coversjust those devices or groups.Scheduled reports donot run.Traffix Managerprocesses are notrunning.Run the Traffix Control Panel to check the status of the TraffixService. If the Traffix Service is not running, start it.Note that the Traffix Control Panel can only be run directly on theserver.Ad hoc reports appearas pending but neverrun.The reportingprocesses are busygenerating anotherreport.The reporting processes will not start generating ad hoc reportsuntil the report they are currently generating is complete. If thereis a queue of reports waiting to be run, it may take some timebefore the ad hoc report is run. Use the Report Manager to seewhich report is currently running.You do not need to keep the Run Now progress window open.You can request several ad hoc reports at one time and leavethem running overnight. Use the Report Manager and outputqueue to see when your report is complete.See “Monitoring Report Generation and Output” on page 96.HTML files are notdeleted.Report Manager isbusy running reports.The Report Manager does not delete reports while busy runningother reports. When the running reports are complete, the HTMLfiles will be removed.Reports do not containas much data asexpected.Protocol filter wasenabled on report.Check if you set up protocol filtering on the report.Internal trafficselected.Some reports have Internal, External and Overall trafficoptions. You are unlikely to see any Internal traffic on anynetwork except your own.DNS layer selected forconnection report istoo deep to match anytraffic.In a connection report, you may have selected a DNS layer whichis too deep to match any of the conversations that wouldotherwise contribute to the report. This type of problem may alsooccur with other grouping schemes. Read the generated title ofthe connection report carefully to check that it is sensible.(continued)Table 17 Diagnosing Reporting Problems (continued)Problem Cause Solution