Groupings 43The Map shows a hierarchical view of the devices in your networkaccording to the selected grouping. By selecting a Geographical groupingfor example, devices will be grouped according to which country they arein. Within each country, devices may be grouped according to which citythey are in.The hierarchy of groups in the Map corresponds to the order of attributesin the selected grouping. Devices with the same value for the firstattribute, such as Germany for example, are grouped together. Withineach country group, devices with the same value for the second attribute,such as Munich, are grouped together. You can further refine thehierarchy by adding attributes to the grouping: a third attributeDepartment1, for example.If a device does not have a value assigned to it for an attribute, then thisdevice may appear in a group called unassigned. The unassigned group isknown as a redundant group. You can collapse redundant groups, so thatdevices within them appear in a higher-level (assigned) group instead.Predefined Groupings There are four predefined groupings in Traffix Manager:n DNS — Devices are grouped according to their DNS name.This grouping is made up of the predefined attributes Network LayerType (for example, IP, IPX, DECNet, ATALK), and DNS Layer 1 throughDNS Layer 8. See Table 5 for more information about these attributes.n Type and Network — Devices are grouped by their Network LayerType and network address.This grouping is made up of the predefined attributes NL Type andNetwork. All devices in the Map have both of these attributesassigned so there are no redundant groups. See Table 5 for moreinformation about these attributes.Within this grouping, devices are grouped by their major protocolclasses, that is, their NL Type, and are then further grouped in a wayappropriate to each protocol. For example, DECNet devices aregrouped by DECNet Area, IPX devices are grouped by IPX domain andIP devices are grouped by class A/B/C Subnet.If you use subnets other than class A/B/C at your site, you may want tocreate a site-specific subnets grouping. You can create a customizedview of IP subnets in your organization in the following way: