• TimeSyncMode• EvalTimeAccuracy• EventRepMode• CmdMode• RepIntermediatePos is:• “OPTICAL103:1” for the optical serial channel on the SLM• “RS485103:1” for the RS485 port2. The protocol to activate on a physical port is selected under:Main menu/Configuration/Communication/Station Communication/Portconfiguration/• RS485 port• RS485PROT:1 (off, DNP, IEC103)• SLM optical serial port• PROTOCOL:1 (off, DNP, IEC103, SPA)GUID-CD4EB23C-65E7-4ED5-AFB1-A9D5E9EE7CA8 V3 ENGUID-CD4EB23C-65E7-4ED5-AFB1-A9D5E9EE7CA8 V3 EN-USFigure 3: Settings for IEC 60870-5-103 communicationThe general settings for IEC 60870-5-103 communication are the following:• SlaveAddress and BaudRate: Settings for slave number and communicationspeed (baud rate).The slave number can be set to any value between 1 and 254. Thecommunication speed, can be set either to 9600 bits/s or 19200 bits/s.• RevPolarity: Setting for inverting the light (or not). Standard IEC 60870-5-103setting is On.• CycMeasRepTime: See I103MEAS function block for more information.• EventRepMode: Defines the mode for how events are reported. The eventbuffer size is 1000 events.Event reporting modeIf EventRepMode = SeqOfEvent, all GI and spontaneous events will be delivered inthe order they were generated by BSW. The most recent value is the latest valuedelivered. All GI data from a single block will come from the same cycle.Section 3 1MRK 511 394-UEN AIEC 60870-5-103 communication engineering18 670 series 2.2 IECCommunication protocol manual