IEDTimeSkew. But in LinMastTime it applies the time changes occurredbetween two synchronization messages.• IEDTimeSkew: The IED measures the offset in between its own time andthe master time and applies the same offset for the messages sent.• EvalTimeAccuracy evaluates time accuracy for invalid time. Specifies theaccuracy of the synchronization (5, 10, 20 or 40 ms). If the accuracy is lessthan the specified value, the “Bad Time” flag is raised. To accommodate thosemasters that are really bad in time sync, the EvalTimeAccuracy can be set toOff.If IEC-103 is time-sync master and no IEC-103 time-sync is received within 23hours then time-sync is considered lost and the no-sync flag will be raised. Otherprotocols used for time-sync will have other criteria for lost-sync. IEC-103 willreport bad time if sync lost regardless of sync protocol.3.2.2 SettingsPID-6611-SETTINGS v5Table 2:RS485103 Non group settings (basic)Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default DescriptionSlaveAddress 1 - 254 - 1 1 Slave addressBaudRate 9600 Bd19200 Bd- - 9600 Bd Baudrate on serial lineCycMeasRepTime 1.0 - 1800.0 s 0.1 5.0 Cyclic reporting time of measurmentsMasterTimeDomain UTCLocal without DSTLocal with DST- - UTC Master time domainTimeSyncMode IEDTimeLinMastTimeIEDTimeSkew- - IEDTime Time synchronization modeEvalTimeAccuracy Off5ms10ms20ms40ms- - 5ms Evaluate time accuracy for invalid timeEventRepMode SeqOfEventHiPriSpont- - SeqOfEvent Event reporting modeCmdMode MultiCmdSingleCmd- - SingleCmd Command handling modeRepIntermediatePos OffOn- - On Report intermediate positionSection 3 1MRK 511 394-UEN AIEC 60870-5-103 communication engineering20 670 series 2.2 IECCommunication protocol manual