Completing the test SEMOD175060-148 v4Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TESTMODEsetting to Off. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they werechanged for testing purposes.11.5.7 Breaker failure protection, phase segregated activation andoutput CCRBRF M12104-2 v12Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in Section "Preparing the IEDto verify settings".The Breaker failure protection, 3-phase activation and output function CCRBRFshould normally be tested in conjunction with some other function that provides astart signal. An external START signal can also be used.To verify the settings in the most common back-up trip mode 1 out of 3, it issufficient to test phase-to-earth faults.At mode 2 out of 4 the phase current setting, IP> can be checked by single-phaseinjection where the return current is connected to the summated current input. Thevalue of residual (earth fault) current IN set lower than IP> is easiest checked inback-up trip mode 1 out of Checking the phase current operate value,IP> M12104-23 v13The check of the IP> current level is best made in FunctionMode = Current andBuTripMode = 1 out of 3 or 2 out of 4.1. Apply the fault condition, including START of CCRBRF, with a currentbelow the set IP>.2. Repeat the fault condition and increase the current in steps until a trip occurs.3. Compare the result with the set IP>.If No CBPos Check or Retrip off is set, only back-up trip can beused to check set IP>. Checking the residual (earth fault) current operate valueIN> setbelowIP> M12104-80 v9Check the low set IN> current where setting FunctionMode = Current and settingBuTripMode = 1 out of 41MRK 505 378-UEN A Section 11Testing functionality by secondary injectionLine differential protection RED670 2.2 IEC 183Commissioning manual